Lets break what’s the general usage of internet:
– facebook: to keep contact with friends / in Cuba people keep the door open in the street, friends can bump in without any agenda planning, because they do it everyday.
– google: for general information / in santa clara I found out that I can download a 3Gb wikipedia app
– to find a restaurant / there are no restos
– movies, music, small adds / for 1$ fee, a hard disk passes once per week
– for the small adds / there is still the classical way ‘paper in the window’
All the queues in Cuba are ordered, for bus, cash machine, food, the people always ask who is the last person, “ultimo?“. But strangely, the line to access to internet is unordered, there are several services which are mixed and a guardian has to keep the order.
Still, there are Cubans who pay 20% of the average income for one hour of internet, or 6 euros. One girl next to us was browsing a site for cloths, other for movies, and a last one a site for unblocking iphone 7.
Din multimea observatiilor care vizeaza comparatiile dintre Cuba cu lumea ‘mai civilizata’, de-a lungul postarilor de mai sus sau de mai jos, rezulta totusi cum ca Cuba este privilegiata in ceea ce priveste calitatea vietii, in ciuda aparentelor. Daca trebuie sa cheltuiesti 20% din salariul mediu pt o ora cu access la internet pt a cauta o informatie pt deblocarea iphone-ului rezulta ca oamenii, vrand-nevrand – fortati de imprejurari, isi vor canaliza energiile catre lucruri mai serioase.
Foarte buna observatia, cum ca apropierea de internet strica tiparul statului la cozi. Este graitor: ispita tehnologiei erodeaza constiintele, atrage haosul