One of the greatest achievements in the technology field in Cuba at the beginning of the XIX century was a 45 meters tower. It was raised by a private investor, who was the richest person in Cuba.
This tower has a roof, so we cannot infer that it could be used to watch the stars.
As you can see, from it’s height we can see far away. Which was very efficient to observe the more or less 30 000 slaves, working for the sugar canes plantations. There is a bell to alert if someone tried to escape. The windows are large to facilitate the air-cooling. The only miss for the richest Spanish in Cuba was that he had to climb all those stairs, no lift was provided. But any effort is justified to play Warcraft in XIXth century !
The weird thing is that, in this ‘Communist’ country, you can enjoy a meal in a nearby restaurant, watching paintings depicting that epoch.
I didn’t fall in this kind of nostalgia, so I got lost in the forest, where I found several ruins of slave establishments for coffee plantation.