impressions from Metropolitan Museum


Looking at this painting from the XVth century, in Deccan empire (India), I think at Dürer’s ‘Four riders of Apocalypse’ with a background from the fractal computer art of the 80’s. It’s not good to make comparisons in art, but I cannot refrain to remember the art in New England, 300 years later.


Who is Velasquez of these days ? Berlusconi probably is Philippe II.


The first ET among us

Scientology church


I heard that church is a big thing in Midwest. On this map, you can see how many different churches are in a small neighborhood of Manhattan, where the space is so expensive. It looks like every trader has his own God.

This is a Scientology Church.


In US, the church is exempt to pay property tax (3%). There are about 50.000 members, who have to pay a lot in order to get in higher ranks. Tom Cruise is an exception, because is one of the most important figures, he just takes the benefits. The church is so strong, that the tax service, gave up after several trials.

 In NY, one of capitals of jazz, I met 3 good musicians who told me that a good part of their revenue comes from concerts at churches. Because there are some many rites, there is a concurrence among them, and they try to attract the public.

30 millions d’amis

Ces deux-là sont en pension à la ferme du 4è âge équin.


Cette spinning tortue précoce se baladait devant la maison cherchant le chemin vers le lac: ces bébés tortues ont une faible chance de survie, souvent gobé en 2 secondes par n’importe quel prédateur: nous avons voulu lui donner un petit coup de pouce.


Atom le cheval et Primus le gros bouc sont le vieux couple de la ferme, ils se connaissent sur le bout des sabots et depuis une bonne douzaine d’années partagent leur repas et leur box…

Et pour compléter la famille,


Maya, ou la sniffeuse

et Inca, chat pot-de-colle
