Signs forbidding entrance with a gun are everywhere, even in a ladies restroom in the yacht harbour. I imagined that I have a gun, and I visit Chicago. I cannot enter any museum, any restroom, any restaurant or mall. This is a big handicap. How could be living with such a disposable handicap, why ?
40% of Americans have a gun. Viorel was talking about tradition, about a feeling of security. The grandfather had a riffle, maybe a Colt, but not an Uzi or other Matrix style gun-machine. About the security, you are in the room where you keep the gun, and then you here strange noises. Maybe is a thieve, maybe is your kid. Guns are among the biggest cause for accidental death for kids.
In the late period there are in US a lot of mass shootings, in a church, in a school. They are suicidal acts. There is a theory that if everyone would have a gun, the casualties could be highly limited, so give guns to everyone.
I was to a Walmart, I think the biggest retailer in the world. At the sport section, there were only air-compressed guns, and a catalog heavy like golden pages one. I ask if they don’t have real guns. The clerk apologize, but he gives me very precise direction to another Walmart where I can buy. With 70$ I could buy a decent one.