guns & politics


Signs forbidding entrance with a gun are everywhere, even in a ladies restroom in the yacht harbour. I imagined that I have a gun, and I visit Chicago. I cannot enter any museum, any restroom, any restaurant or mall. This is a big handicap. How could be living with such a disposable handicap, why ?

40% of Americans have a gun. Viorel was talking about tradition, about a feeling of security. The grandfather had a riffle, maybe a Colt, but not an Uzi or other Matrix style gun-machine. About the security, you are in the room where you keep the gun, and then you here strange noises. Maybe is a thieve, maybe is your kid. Guns are among the biggest cause for accidental death for kids.

In the late period there are in US a lot of mass shootings, in a church, in a school. They are suicidal acts. There is a theory that if everyone would have a gun, the casualties could be highly limited, so give guns to everyone.

I was to a Walmart, I think the biggest retailer in the world. At the sport section, there were only air-compressed guns, and a catalog heavy like golden pages one. I ask if they don’t have real guns. The clerk apologize, but he gives me very precise direction to another Walmart where I can buy. With 70$ I could buy a decent one.


souvenir de Cuba

Aujourd’hui nous nous séparons de notre presque unique souvenir de Cuba:


C’est un dessin à l’encre de Chine de Henry Aloma. Nous l’avions rencontré à las Terrazas, petit village perché dans les montagnes, notre dernière destination à Cuba. Il a voyagé avec nous pendant presque 3 mois, nous avons du le protéger des intempéries, du froissage, de l’oubli, des taches… Nous avons confié notre oiseau-île à Viorel, l’ami de Dan qui rentre parfois en Roumanie.

Il ne verra pas les Rocheuses, mais c’est peut-être mieux pour lui…

Las Terrazas était une terre ravagée par les cultures intensives de café, dans les années 70, le gouvernement a réussi à transformer le lieu en un petit village tranquille où il fait bon vivre. De nombreux artistes y sont installés et la nature a repris sa place.DSC_0324

From farming to a millionaire life style

One day I discussed forex trading strategies with Emilie’s uncle. Her family lives in Naperville, at 45 km near Chicago, the second best place to live in US.

We had to use a car to get there, otherwise by bus it would have taken more than 2 hours, so …


Yes, it’s a Porche ! Nobody plays golf. So we had to be content only with boating on the lake…




and the usual grill on the terrace (huge)


city life

Chicago is the city of Blues, I always wanted to go there for this reason. We had no time for that ! And I don’t regret it, so many great evenings !

The Bean (the cloud gate, but no cloud today…) is the new symbol of the city, so we met there, Viorel, my friend from university.


We prepared a picnic waiting for the daily concert with Viorel’s wife, Olga and her sister. The atmosphere was like at a festival.




It’s the first time after several months that I feel like at home: to have a drink with a large group of friends (6-7 all the time, once we could have been 9), all our friends !

I liked the free festival, swimming in the lake at 15 minutes walking, tennis playing for free at a 10 minutes walking, Andrei’s terrace, entrepreneurial culture, jazz …

American Gothic


The water house in Chicago, used as a water tower. It was the only building which survived the fire of 1872, which was caused by the so polluted water: all the junk started to burn…


The old city hall of Toronto, it was build around 1900