Some about politics

I cannot remember to visit any country and to find the people caring so much about politics. Canada is one of the richest countries, they have natural resources. The current prime minister has been here for 8 years. With one exception, all the people I talked said that this guy: puts in danger the nature by allowing oil and gas companies to expand their drillings, he cuts the budget for public libraries, scientific research, reduced the number of rangers in the national parks, despite the increased danger of fire. After 100 years, he changed the electoral system, in order to make it more difficult of people who don’t own a property to vote, or who travel. A couple of months before the elections, in the good Balkan tradition, the Canadian PM increased the allocation for mothers, some aids for people with low income.

At the Salmon Fair in Port Alberni, Emilie pads a dog, and she starts to speak with the owner, Jane, who afterwards invites us to spend the night at her place. A very charming house.


Jane worked for the Secretary of Unions. She has strong left beliefs. I am reading now one of her reading recommendations: Capitalism vs Climate Change. Capitalism brought a quick development by the power of credit. With a guarantee of 1$, you can raise 10$. But in order to function, there must be growth, and at some point, the limits of the planet are reached.


I would say the first issue in US and Canada is the voting system, where the winner takes all. That’s why there are only 2 big parties.

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