It was a foggy morning, we could not see 20 meters ahead. It was the first time when the weather would have changed our plans dramatically. We applied the tactic: wait and see. So we took the time for a long lunch.
After 2 hours, we got a spectacular weather. And some rain. and some shine. and again some rain. And an amazing sunset.
Upheaval Dome, ce lieu dégageait une énergie très forte. En montant (5 min de marche depuis le parking), nous avons croisé une famille de français qui disait ‘Oh ben après ce qu’on a vu, ça ne valait vraiment pas le coup de grimper jusque là…’
Je vous conseille une vue aérienne et l’histoire géologique du lieu
Golden Rule: all the day we should prepare where and how to see the sunset. In 30 minutes the same landscape appears in 30 ways.
And the best, all the tourists are flying away !
Dead Horse Point
The camping sites were fully full, so we asked a guy to share the place with him. He said ‘no problem’ and we talked with him a little while. Georges is retired and is taking care of his grand-dog…
Next morning: