All posts by Emilie_Dan

sous le soleil de Mexico…

Haaaa… parler espagnol de nouveau, pouvoir marcher dans la rue et savourer une douce chaleur… Nous avons choisi au pif d’aller à Guadalajara, car nous voulions éviter de nous frotter de trop près aux cartels près de la frontière. C’est une grande ville, mais le centre que nous découvrons le premier jour est extraordinaire après le choc vécu à Albuquerque et la froideur des espaces publics américains… Des vieilles pierres, des bâtiments du XVIIè et XVIIIè siècles, coloniaux certes, mais plein de charme. Des places toutes les 3, 4 rues nous donnent la sensation d’être revenus  dans une ville vivable. Oui, ici c’est plein de vie même quand il pleut et surtout le jour des morts!


Continue reading sous le soleil de Mexico…

My last thoughts about US

The bus after we crossed in Mexico is luxurious comparing with all we took in US. I cannot restrain not to think about the public fare, capitalism and …

In feb 2006 I came back from NY with the following image: at the underground floor of Empire State Building is a Chinese shop, with the very cheap products. I couldn’t say what is wrong, but it seamed like a tatami carpet covering a hole.

After 9 years, I get of US with a more complete image. Under the carpet there is something rotting, so it smells stronger and stronger.

After 6 months spent in US, I have some arguments.

Continue reading My last thoughts about US

our RV/camping car/rulota/caravan in US

None of us has ever been with a RV. We rented by curiosity, we had no expectations. This was a very good thing.


freedom: not at all, you can park only in RV camping spots. Even in October was pretty difficult to find a place near the national parks, so in high season, it must be impossible without reservation. So the freedom is very limited. Plus you need to connect to electric, sewer, water every 3 days.

Continue reading our RV/camping car/rulota/caravan in US