Category Archives: Canada

1000 stars hotel

Sleeping in a hammock is a great experience. But sleeping in a city, is even more thrilling. It’s the first time when we do it, but I highly recommend it. After 2 nights of airbnb in Kitsilano, we decided to camp in Queen Elisabeth Park. Here is the highest point in south of Vancouver.


There is a very nice bio dome, built by 11 brothers in the 70’s. Inside there is a tropical forest.


Next morning at around 10 am:  Continue reading 1000 stars hotel

Groose & Crown Mountains

If you live in North/West Vancouver, to get to the mountain might take you 30 minutes walk. If you come from downtown, the sea bus, and another bus, it’s 45 minutes. To go up there are 3 options, I took the worse one, of joggers. There were so many people, that after taking a short break, we had to wait for the chain of people to pass.


After climbing 800 meters in almost 1 hour and a half with backpacks. You can see the bay, Stanley park as a insula, and West Vancouver in front of us.


Selfie with a deer, in the ski and paragliding area. That day we just got a little further to put the hammock into the woods.

Continue reading Groose & Crown Mountains


Je suis arrivĂ©e Ă  Vancouver, après un trajet magnifique en bus: 15h entre les crĂŞtes dĂ©coupĂ©es des Rocheuses, les rivières Ă  l’eau cristalline et les lacs que j’appelle mers.

La ville est très Ă©tendue mais pas si dense: il y a peut-ĂŞtre 1 million d’habitants dans la ville mĂŞme et 2 millions 5 avec la banlieue. Ce qui est frappe de prime abord c’est la nature tellement prĂ©sente: la montagne ET l’ocĂ©an si proche. La ville est bordĂ©e de nombreuses plages de sable, de parcs (notamment le Stanley park ou on trouve des cèdres centenaires immenses) et de bâtiments pas trop moches pour une grande ville… Peu de gratte-ciels et des quartiers très mixtes Ă  tout point de vue: en gĂ©nĂ©ral, chaque district est construit autour d’une artère commerciale et quadrillĂ©e de rues d’habitations: grandes maisons, jolis jardins, potagers et petits immeubles. Continue reading SynchronicitĂ©