Friendly people in Nova Scotia

It is our day off at the farm. We walk towards a waterfall, our route takes us on the side of big lake. There are several nice houses on it, it reminds me the lake of Geneva.


I like the contrast between rich villa and the cloths put out to get dry.


I see the owner and I just say: ‘Hi, you have a nice house’.

– Yes, indeed, do you want to visit it ? answered Lois. She is retired now, but she worked with kids with handicap. She knows James, from our farm.


Her husband tries to remove the bad weeds.


This house was a general store 50 years ago. 10 years ago, when they bought it, it was a wreck. They had their life in Antigonish, 20 kms far, and during all this time they made the renovation in weekends and holidays.


Now they are very proud to show it .. I guess to anyone. It looks like a house for magazines…


They recycle everything in the store, lumber, peace of wood, even the old parquet, they reuse it to make the cupboards. These boxes are original used in the store

Antigonish – la petite ferme de Betty

Nous sommes à 20 min d’Antigonish, 5000 habitants.


La ferme est sur une petite colline, 12 chèvres, 10 poules, 4 chiens, 2 lapins… Betty est une femme de 60 ans qui a toujours vécu dans une ferme, elle a habité dans Alberta pendant 12 ans, où elle avait des vaches laitières. A 20 ans, mère de deux enfants, elle a perdu son mari dans un accident de voiture.  Elle voulait une grande famille alors elle a commencé à travailler pour Children Aid, accueillant des enfants abandonnés, ou issus de famille qui ne voulait ou ne pouvait pas en prendre soin. Mais elle a arrêté écoeurée de leur système, pas assez de contrôle des familles, des retours parfois forcés qui se sont mal passés, pas de possibilités d’adoption etc.. Elle est revenue en Nouvelle-Ecosse où elle a refait sa vie, s’est remariée, a eu deux filles, Samantha et Mendy. Samantha vit avec elle, ainsi que James, un de ces enfants qu’elle a pu finalement adopter. James est mentally challenged,  il travaille tiers-temps chez Tim Hortons (chaîne de café) et le reste du temps participer à un workshop, fait du tricot et vend son travail.

IMG_2097Betty a choisi l’austerité, elle vit dans une cabane de 20 m², et ce qu’elle appelle son luxe est d’avoir des toilettes et un ordinateur! Grâce aux animaux, aux légumes, elle peut nourrir les 3 membres de la famille. Samantha était infirmière, mais à cause d’une mauvaise opération au pied, elle ne peut plus rester longtemps debout. Elle veille donc sur James et sur les woofers et helpers qui viennent aider à la ferme.

Je me sens bien ici, le temps est changeant mais toujours nous trouvons de quoi nous occuper. Hier quand il a plu, nous avons fait du fromage de chèvre aux herbes (MIAAMM!) et du pain.

IMG_2059 IMG_2127 Dans le frigo, il y a de la compote de pommes, d’excellentes confitures (fraise, gelée de potirons, de pommes…), des conserves de légumes et manger des oeufs le matin est un véritable plaisir!

J’aime aller chercher les oeufs, passer du temps avec Betty le soir après le repas pour traire, ramener le lait chaud dans sa cabane, nourrir les lapins et courir apres les chèvres qui se sont echappées…


Aujourd’hui, j’ai entendu des “pip piiip piip” tout pres d’une maman poule, et hop un petit bec est apparu entre les plumes de maman! Nous désherbons (ça prend du temps avec ces foutus chiendents aux racines de 3 pieds de long), je fais des pauses et vais voir si je vois plus de petits becs, il y en a deja 5…


Nous avons commencé à construire les fondations de la future chambre froide: ça donne envie de construire soi-même sa maison… mettre du gravier, niveller, isoler, construire le coffrage… mesurer, vérifier, ajuster… ça n’a pas l’air si compliqué!

Betty est toujours attentive, nous rappelle de faire des pauses, nous dit de ne pas forcer…


Nous nous sommes baladés dans le coin, pres de la Keppoch Mountain, c’est vert, calme, parcouru par de nombreux ruisseaux.

Antigonish farm / Dan’s first days


day 1

good meal. we worked all together the field. All my complains from the other farm are satisfied. I am quite happy.

We walked in the mountains, I felt like in Belgium.DSC_0013

day 2

all day it rained. it was good for internet, stories and eating.

Betty had 3 kids, and she adopted more than 40 children. She had even 11 at once. Even she has such a long history, she had to fight a lot the bureaucracy. Officials who never adopted a child, put sometimes stupid conditions: the adopted kid must be all the time at maximum 3 meters away from her. Their tough conditions made people not to adopt anymore, so now it’s much easier, but now Betty feels too old for that.

She has a strong interest on the history of the colons, on how they managed to survive. Even in the 40’s there were people on the edge of starvation. Maybe this is the reason of her kindness.

day 3


the young goats escaped their enclosure. I looked up for holes, and I repaired the fence. Then I helped Emilie and Betty to remove the weeds by hand. It’s a tedious task, and painful for the back. In one hour, I cleaned less than 2 square meters. It is so difficult to grow organic vegetables. I think the robots are the solution.


change your life

He had seen us on his road, and he said that he takes us if we are still there. We were waiting for 20 minutes in a bad spot to hitchhike. He spent 5 minutes to pack his stuff to make space for our luggage in his Mini and made a several kms detour to let us in a good place to hitchhike.


Dave is from Nova Scotia and he is web designer. This winter was so tough, that in April he took his family for 2 weeks in Mexico, near Cancun. There he realised that he could live under the sun all the time. So when he came back, he arranged with his company to work remote. His wife needed a break from a demanding job. The school is much cheaper for his teen son. So in december they’ll be in a fishermen village, in a house on the sea, 20 minutes from Cancun. His parents are living at half an hour distance, but they meet once every two weeks, and very briefly. When relatives and friends will come visit them in Mexico, the time spent together probably will be more dense and fruitful.


Nice exchange of experiences!

On the road again

I wake up in a truly imperial bed, near me, a gorgeous woman. She is still sleeping. I can see huge tropical plants. Birds are singing outside.
My brain is still rebooting, I have flashes with information: who I am, what happened last night.


It started to rain, it was more like a drizzle, but strong enough to melt our hitchhiking sign to Antigonish. More the time was passing, more the sign was becoming invisible. I heard behind a voice. Someone stopped. We ran, we got in, and we got out. She saw where are we going, it wasn’t on her path, but she took us over the crossing of the highway, to be on the good way….

In the middle of nowhere, but right before the bridge which takes to the right to get on another highway. The cars drive so fast, there is no sign to slow. We change the place, I dance, I ran backward to have an eye contact, to make them feel guilty and to stop.

Emilie starts to reproach me about the road safety. I know she’s tired. My arm is tired. I propose to eat. The second I took the first bit, a car pulled over.
They were Hannah and Charlotte, less of 25, student of logistics for the army, and the other writer. All the time we laughed. Since we had no plan for the night, they invited to their place, actually to their parents. They are sisters! Big nice house.

They cooked a delicious Chinese dish. very spicy. Then the relation with Emilie was tested. We played a game where seeing a drawing you have to write 6-7 things that relate, and there are counted how many are similar with your.


We lost in front of two sisters who are very good friends and they know each other for 23 years, but in the first third we were ahead, and we won all the duels ( when on the same card both teams count the similarities). And their communication is so good that I hope that when they will be retired, they won’t live in the same area, because they will speak interrupting each other for each 5 words, but having the same idea.


When you travel, you might have some fantasies about the people you meet, but I would never imagine that I would end in the bed of their parents. We didn’t want, but they insisted…

Next morning, their dad appeared. Late enough, to be dressed, and Hanna moved stealthy our luggages.

I helped her father to change his tires, and we had a good chat.


Dan’s conquest…


Nice walk along the river with Charlotte


Charlotte, Hannah and Steven, Hannah’s boyfriend, took us to the beautiful beach near the house of their parents.


I read 3 short stories of Charlotte, and I liked them. She worked in a lot of environments to study different characters. She has impressive methods of getting inspiration, and of improving her style.
